Algorithmic Fairness in Network Science

A NetSci 2025 Satellite Workshop

Call for Papers

Join us on 3rd June in beautiful Maastricht for the “Algorithmic Fairness in Network Science” Satellite at the NetSci25 event. This Satellite aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields to explore inequality in network structures and dynamics and the development of fair and ethical algorithms in network science.

Submissions from junior researchers, including graduate students, postdocs, and pre-tenure faculty, are especially encouraged. The submissions will be accepted for regular talks, lightning talks, and poster presentations. A Best Student Paper Award will be given to the top submission led by a student(s).


We invite submissions on Understanding Network Inequalities and Designing Fair Algorithms in Network Science to be held as a satellite event of NetSci25 in Maastricht this June.

We welcome contributions addressing (but not limited to) the following topics:

Submission Format

Option 1 - Preprint/Publication Submission: Submit a PDF of your publication or preprint. This option is straightforward and ideal for authors without copyright restrictions or concerns about sharing their paper/preprint on another platform.

Option 2 - Abstract Submission: For abstract submission, we recommend 1 to 3 pages, with unlimited pages for references and figures, but longer submissions are also accepted. You may use any template of your choice.

Submission Portal

Enter your submission on Google Form. The portal and any updates to CFP can be found on the workshop website:

Important Dates

Submissions will be evaluated for contributed talks based on their relevance to the satellite theme, originality, novelty, and scientific quality. Notification of acceptance will be sent by February 15 and March 29, 2025. Upon acceptance, at least one author must register and attend the satellite to present the work.

📩 Have any queries? Feel free to reach out to us at